Cannabis Purchase Order Financing

Direct Private Capital Group, Inc.

Cannabis Purchase Order Financing is an alternative to traditional bank financing, and it’s available to cannabis companies in all 50 states.

For those who have not yet heard of Cannabis Purchase Order Financing, it’s a way for cannabis companies to secure funding by offering their inventory as collateral. This loan term is not based on credit scores or income levels. Instead, the lender looks at how much product you have on hand and how much you need to borrow.

This type of financing is perfect for growing cannabis companies that do not have access to traditional banking services.

POs in the cannabis industry has been gaining popularity over the last few years as a way for growers and dispensaries to access capital without waiting months for approval from a bank.

Cannabis Purchase Order (PO) Financing allows businesses at any stage of development or size to quickly access working capital while maintaining control over inventory and operations.